Do you Love your Body Everyday?

Do you wake up some days and really struggle with loving you or your body? It’s okay to have days like this, especially given that loving your body is a journey and not an end goal. What really matters is how you deal with it.

Tempting though it may be, don’t reach for your baggiest, most comfortable clothes. They might be the best fit for your mood but they’re not going to help you get through a bad body image or feeling down day. Go for something that is comfortable but guaranteed to make you feel better about yourself and your body. Pick out a few go-to outfits that always boost your self-esteem and bring them out when you need a body image boost. 

Working on your mindset is super important when you’re struggling with low days. Most of the time, mindset is the main difference between a “good” and “bad” loving your body day. Chances are, your body didn’t change a whole lot in between but something altered in your mind.

Think about what triggered the change in mindset. Are you generally struggling with negative emotions? Did it happen after you went on Instagram (or another social media site)? Did you spend time with negative people who don’t help you to stay positive with your yourself or your body’s energy? Spend a bit of time thinking about potential triggers and see if there’s something you need to switch up to avoid those “feeling unloved” days in the future.

Focusing on your strengths is another good move. Sure, you might not be best friends with your body or yourself right now but there are lots of things you can feel positive about when it comes to your good qualities and skills. Remind yourself of these when bad body days strike. It can be super helpful to make a list of things that are great about you and come back to when you’re not feeling so good about your body or yourself. 

Your Body needs loving everyday! The more love, Nutrition and Care you give your body, the more it will give back to you.

Remember, there is no one else on this planet like you. You are unique! So shift your mindset and go be the beautiful, magical person you were put here to be.