What to avoid for inflammation

Chronic inflammation can have a whole heap of health effects and can make you more likely to develop a ton of health conditions. Lots of foods can contribute to this and you’ll definitely want to avoid them! The effects of anti-inflammatory foods can be hugely negated if you’re also consuming plenty of inflammatory foods. Here…

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Gratitude and stronger relationships

How often did you last show gratitude to someone who is heavily involved in your life? It’s super easy to take people for granted and assume they know you’re thankful for the things they do for you. This is particularly true with long-standing relationships and it’s often something we do without actually being aware of…

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Detoxing your body

Have you been thinking about trying to detox? One of the biggest reasons that people look to detox involves toxins. We’re all exposed to a lot of toxins on a regular basis and your body can find it difficult to deal with them. This can affect lots of aspects of your health and wellbeing. Toxins…

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The gut brain immune connection

Ever felt butterflies in your tummy when you’re nervous or suffered from digestive problems during periods of stress and anxiety? This is a sign of the link between the gut and the brain, which we’re only just starting to learn more about. According to research, your brain and your gut are very interlinked and can…

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6 ways to show love everyday

Self care and compassion for others can be closely linked. After all, how can you show genuine compassion to other people if you don’t demonstrate it to yourself on an everyday basis? According to research from the Dignity Health survey, a lot of us wish that we were kinder to the people around us. The…

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What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda has a long history of being used for holistic healing. In Ayurvedic medicine, the balance between the mind, body, and spirit is super important for maintaining wellness. If there’s an imbalance, it can lead to illness. “Ayurveda” is a combination of two Sanskrit words meaning “life” (“Ayur”) and “science” (“Veda”). You can literally think…

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Five ways to get back on track

There’s nothing better than knowing that you’re progressing in your wellness journey and sticking to your healthy eating. Nothing better, except that slice of chocolate cake you’ll just have for that special occasion, or that delicious pile of pasta you’ve been saving your cheat meal for. To be clear, there really is nothing wrong with…

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Detoxing your Mind

It’s not just your body that can benefit from a detox; for most of us, detoxing your mind is equally important but often overlooked. Today, I’m going to talk a little bit about how you can quickly and easily detox your mind. A few ideas for this can include:

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Body scan Meditation technique for self-care

Not familiar with the body scan? It’s a form of meditation that can be super effective for getting in touch with your body, finding parts that feel uncomfortable or blocked and letting go of negative emotions. Body scanning can be an invaluable part of your self-care routine, especially if you’re new to meditation. How to…

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Do you Love your Body Everyday?

Do you wake up some days and really struggle with loving you or your body? It’s okay to have days like this, especially given that loving your body is a journey and not an end goal. What really matters is how you deal with it. Tempting though it may be, don’t reach for your baggiest,…

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