Detoxing your Mind

It’s not just your body that can benefit from a detox; for most of us, detoxing your mind is equally important but often overlooked.

Today, I’m going to talk a little bit about how you can quickly and easily detox your mind.

A few ideas for this can include:

  • Spend 5-10 minutes on deep breathing exercises that calm and relax your mind and body. Bonus points if you do meditation (especially body scan meditation) or mindfulness too! This is super effective at clearing your mind of negativity.
  • Spending less time on social media and if necessary, unfollowing people who contribute to negative thinking and low self-esteem. Instagram can be a big one here!
  • Ditching unhealthy/toxic friendships that cause you stress
  • Doing a digital detox and building up to having a device free day. If that feels too hard right now, just aim for an hour and go from there. Social media is designed to keep us engaged, to keep us scrolling. Aim to set yourself a time limit on how much time you spend on there. Personally, I found it was keeping me from doing the things I really needed to do and taking me away from myself.
  • Opening up your journal and doing a “brain dump” of thoughts and emotions that are at the forefront of your mind. Write about whatever comes into your mind and you might be super surprised at how effective it is at clearing your mind.
  • Setting intentions for the day ahead can help to reframe your thinking and detox from negative thoughts.
  • Spending time outdoors is a proven way to boost your wellbeing and reduce stress. Whether you walk in nature or just spend time relaxing in a green space, it’s a great opportunity to detox your mind. Nature and meditation is a perfect way to getting us back in touch with ourselves.