Rebuild & Repair

Principal 1



Principal 2


Principal 3


Principal 4


PRINCIPAL 1 - Nourish +Cleanse=Balance

This is the first principal of the Philosophy of Regeneration. Our products are designed to nourish and cleanse your body, bringing it into balance.

Nuplus - fills in your nutritional gaps with micronutrients

Calli - Contains antioxidants that assist the body's natural cleansing process

Quinary - balances the five systems

Our bodies are like cars. We 'burn' food to create energy and emit 'pollution'as a by-product. In a car, the pollution goes out of the exhaust. In our bodies, some of the pollution is excreted, but some of the pollution remains in the form of free radicals. Free radicals are unstable, reactive molecules. They collide or attack healthy cells to stabilize themselves, and can cause aging, cellular damage and disease. Antioxidants are big news as they help stabilize free radicals and prevent further damage.

Principal 2 - Foods, not chemicals

Our body is designed to digest foods, not chemicals. We need to eat foods with proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc to survive. However, when you isolate a protein or vitamin, it is no longer a food, but a chemical which our body has a hard time digesting.

If you eat too many chemical isolates that are in most protein powders or vitamin pills, it can cause alot of problems. Too much protein may cause irreversible kidney damage. Too much vitamin C increases the aging process. When vitamin C is left in intact within an orange, it is part of what makes an orange a food, but the minute you pull it out of its original "life structure", vitamin C becomes a chemical called ascorbic acid.

Sunriders trade secret process preserves nutrients in their food form for easier digestion and absorption.

Principal 3 - Variety

There are many kinds of foods with good and bad points, but there is no perfect food. Even antioxidants are not perfect. Unfortunately, many people overlook this important principal. THey focus on one ingredient, one juice, or one category of nutrients as a cure-all because it's simple. The reality is that our bodies are very complex and we need to eat a variety of foods. We have five major systems, and each system requires different foods to provide the proper nourishment and support. Dr Chen could easily make synthetic protein powders, juices and vitamin pills, but he doesn't because at best, they don't benefit your health, and at worst, they cause damage.

Principal 4 - Formulation & Concentration

Successful formulation how to put the foods together in the right combinations, proportions and concentrations requires knowledge, experience, creativity and the ability to utilize the knowledge and experience of the past. All of these elements are necessary to fully realize the Philosophy of Regeneration. Sunrider borrows from China's 5,000 years of practical experience and improves upon it. Over time most things in life change, but food is not one of them.

It is widely accepted that green tea contains certain beneficial antioxidants; however, the good also comes with the bad, which includes tannic acid, certain alkaloids, and caffeine. That is why Calli undergoes a trade secret process to extract and concentrate the beneficial ingredients, while minimizing the negative. You cannot copy Sunrider products merely by looking at the labels because the same ingredient can work much differently without extraction and concentration. For example, Conco and Assimilaid both contain licorice, but for each product this ingredient is processed differently to achieve a different effect. The way Sunrider customizes the manufacturing process of ordinarily recognized ingredients is impossible to be duplicated.

This is just an example of the importance of formulation and concentration, especially when considering products that use multiple ingredients and are made at third party processing plants. You really dont know what you are consuming.

Dr Chen - The Philosophy of Regeneration

In order to understand what the Philosophy of Regeneration is, there are three important principles to remember:

Principal 1: In most cases, the body heals itself with proper Nutrition. 

Dr. Chen's education taught him this principle. The body has different nutritional needs for each part of the body. All of these parts need to be properly nourished in order for the body to heal itself. The ancient Chinese believe that disease and hunger are the same. The body yeilds to disease, weight gain, or low energy because it does not receive the proper nourishment.

The body is a miracle. Nourish it, and it will balance itself and function as it was designed.

Principal 2: The body is designed to obtain its nutrition from WHOLE foods.

Whole food has the proper synergistic cellular structure that allows the body to assimilate it and then use it to repair, build or burn for energy. Many companies use isolates in their foods eg: protein powders, added vitamins and minerals. The body cannot easily assimilate these isolated chemicals. When we receive or nutrients in an isolate form, we have to take a large amount to get the very small amount the body actually needs. When nutrients are obtained from whole food the lifeforce is still intact. Only whole foods have the synergy necessary for nourishing the body

Principal 3: Each person must be willing to accept responsibility for their own health.

Dr Chen says "listen to your body, it will tell you what to do". Study, ponder then apply what you have learned when it comes to your body, be mindful. Your body is the best monitor as to the value of any program or system. If you need to see a Doctor, then go to one. If you need a massage therapist or chiropractor, go see one. If you need to improve your nutrition, then learn about foods and whole food concentrates and the other steps to good health. Use sunrider in your life where it fits, according to your needs and budget. I personally have Sunrider in my day, everyday, without fail. After 12 plus years of eating these foods, I know how much my body loves them and how I feel so much better for eating them.

Learn to listen to what your body is telling you.

" The five main systems of the body must be nourished. You cannot survive without the vital organs of the body; they must be nourished and cleanse with the right ingredients" 

Dr Tei-Fu Chen


Sunrider Products nourish and cleanse your body to promote balance for optimal health. Our body functions at its best only when all five systems of the body run in balance.


Our bodies are designed to digest and process foods, not chemicals, such as protein powders and vitamin pills. Surnider provides concentrated nutrients from whole-food sources with their life structures in tact.


There is no perfect food or ingredient Vitamins and protein powders that narrowly target one area of health can be harmful because they may cause the body to become imbalanced. Sunrider provides foods made with a variety of natural ingredients for optimal nutrition.


Food influences our health in complex and highly interactive ways. Sunrider has the knowledge and technology to formulate, extract, and concentrate the right ingredients in the right amounts, to create products that are supremely safe and effective.

The Chinese have a civilization that has lasted over 5000 years. For the first 3000 years, instead of focusing on organized religion as we know it, many Chinese philosophies centered around longevity. The Chinese tried to find the right combination of herbs and foods to achieve their goal of good health and longer life. For example, 5400 years ago, the ancient herbalist Sheng Nung would eat hundreds of herbs every year in the hope of discovering the right combination of herbs and foods which would help him achieve longevity.

About 4600 years ago, the Yellow Emperor Huang Ti was also very active in the pursuit of longevity. He is credited with forming the Quinary philosophy which states that the flow of nature is divided into five elements: fire. wood, earth, metal and water. The combination of these elements represents balance in the universe and good health and longevity for humanity.

In the first 3000 years many herb formulas were developed to nourish and establish equilibrium in the body in the belief that "life nourished life"

In over 161,000 pieces of data which were recorded during that period, there were only 36 entries mentioning disease. This was because the focus was on health and longevity, not on disease and cures. This philosophy of Regeneration was the fundamental principal of Chinese Nutrition.

They discovered that the body was at its healthiest and strongest when it achieved this harmony and balance within the body and with the universe; therefore, they experimented and discovered herbs to help the body achieve this state of balance.

The Sunrider philosophy is based upon the ancient Chinese philosophy of harmony and balance. This harmony and balance exists in our products. When we eat them, we are helping our body to BALANCE itself.

Sunrider is not concerned with treating disease - that is philosophically and legally the territory of medial doctors. Committed to drawing life from life, Sunrider derives nutrition from whole foods and herbs.

The Sunrider philosophy strives toward order, balance and health. Sunrider products are make up of concentrated, highly nourishing, whole foods formulated and combined to retain a synergistic relationship.