


I'm a Multi-Passionate, Barefoot, Look at the Moon, Soul-Nourishing kind of girl who feels the Magic where the Ocean meets the Rainforest. 

Like many of us, I have taken a few dirt roads in life, some the sun was shining and full of light, others, well, they were muddy, real dark and muddy!

It was on those dirt roads where I learnt my most valuable lessons. I realised that it's never too late to start a new chapter in the story of my life. On theses roads of challenge, I really learnt the meaning of, "You have to breakdown before you breakthrough". I now beat to the drum of my own rhythm, set boundaries, stand in my truth, and stay consciously aware to be in alignment with who I truly am. 

As a single mum of two beautiful boys, providing a service to our community, the housekeeper and the everything else woman, I understand totally how challenging it can be to put yourself first.



As a Remedial Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner, Health & Wellness Coach and my love of herbalism, I understand the body as a whole, a being, a piece of art, a place of balance. Our body was designed to move freely and flow like a river. I'm here to help you achieve a more conscious & mindful way of living through the power of healing whilst supporting you on your path to create what you truly desire.


I thought my shoulder pain would just disappear & my mind would always be the controller.....


I was wrong, way wrong! Pain is in the body for a reason, it's the body's way of saying help, something is not right. Our mind, if we give control to it, that good old monkey mind takes over and we can live from a place of fear. Fear is the opposite state to Love, we can only be in one or the other at any one time.

Life! Some days it can be a tough one to balance.

I totally get how overwhelming and stressful it is trying to juggle schedules, organise kids, turn up for work, keep the house in some sort of order, hold everything together, it's exhausting and feels like chaos.

Fortunately I have been involved in the holistic field for over 15 years, turning my passion into a career has been like a dream come true. Throughout this journey, I have been introduced to some amazing tools and made some life changing connections, which has changed me in ways that I could never imagine.  It has made balancing things out around here is a lot less stressful and opened my mind in ways I never thought possible.

My journey started out as a personal trainer, I then followed my heart into Massage therapy, energetic work, healing, coaching and  now flowing through to something I have always had a desire to learn, herbalism. The true connection between ourselves and plants is something very special & magical.

I have a huge interest in expanding my knowledge about the human body and a desire to connect with  it on all levels, our vessel really is amazing! I believe, if you want to create a major change in your life, you have to have that burning desire within. To reach a point where you will no longer settle, to be brave enough to take the journey into the deep work (to feel is to heal), and go after what you want with passion, soul and a purpose, is a gift given to all of us. But only few take the ride.

Now days, this is how I feed my soul:


    • Be Grateful - When you come from a place of gratitude, the more beauty you see - The Beauty Way


    • If the door doesn't open, it's not your door - Trust there is something better for you


    • Learn to breathe deeply - Reconnect your mind, body & soul


    • Meditate - when the mind is quiet, the answers will come


    • Consume something good for your gut - absorption happens here


    • Do something every day that excites your cells


    • Let go - Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose


    • I believe life is 80/20 - really, no one is perfect all the time


    • Eat to nourish your vessel


    • The world needs a lot less ego and a lot more Love & Truth, never be afraid to shine some of your light onto those who need it




There is no greater investment than the investment you make on yourself.

Let's get you living in a body your soul deeply desires!